# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright 2014 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """Unit tests for hashing helper functions and classes.""" from __future__ import absolute_import from hashlib import md5 import os import pkgutil from gslib.exception import CommandException from gslib.hashing_helper import CalculateMd5FromContents from gslib.hashing_helper import HashingFileUploadWrapper import gslib.tests.testcase as testcase from gslib.util import StorageUrlFromString from gslib.util import TRANSFER_BUFFER_SIZE _TEST_FILE = 'test.txt' class TestHashingFileUploadWrapper(testcase.GsUtilUnitTestCase): """Unit tests for the HashingFileUploadWrapper class.""" _temp_test_file = None _dummy_url = StorageUrlFromString('gs://bucket/object') def _GetTestFile(self): contents = pkgutil.get_data('gslib', 'tests/test_data/%s' % _TEST_FILE) if not self._temp_test_file: self._temp_test_file = self.CreateTempFile( file_name=_TEST_FILE, contents=contents) return self._temp_test_file def testReadToEOF(self): digesters = {'md5': md5()} tmp_file = self.CreateTempFile(contents='a' * TRANSFER_BUFFER_SIZE * 4) with open(tmp_file, 'rb') as stream: wrapper = HashingFileUploadWrapper(stream, digesters, {'md5': md5}, self._dummy_url, self.logger) wrapper.read() with open(tmp_file, 'rb') as stream: actual = CalculateMd5FromContents(stream) self.assertEqual(actual, digesters['md5'].hexdigest()) def _testSeekBack(self, initial_position, seek_back_amount): """Tests reading then seeking backwards. This function simulates an upload that is resumed after a connection break. It reads one transfer buffer at a time until it reaches initial_position, then seeks backwards (as if the server did not receive some of the bytes) and reads to the end of the file, ensuring the hash matches the original file upon completion. Args: initial_position: Initial number of bytes to read before seek. seek_back_amount: Number of bytes to seek backward. Raises: AssertionError on wrong amount of data remaining or hash mismatch. """ tmp_file = self._GetTestFile() tmp_file_len = os.path.getsize(tmp_file) self.assertGreaterEqual( initial_position, seek_back_amount, 'seek_back_amount must be less than initial position %s ' '(but was actually: %s)' % (initial_position, seek_back_amount)) self.assertLess( initial_position, tmp_file_len, 'initial_position must be less than test file size %s ' '(but was actually: %s)' % (tmp_file_len, initial_position)) digesters = {'md5': md5()} with open(tmp_file, 'rb') as stream: wrapper = HashingFileUploadWrapper(stream, digesters, {'md5': md5}, self._dummy_url, self.logger) position = 0 while position < initial_position - TRANSFER_BUFFER_SIZE: data = wrapper.read(TRANSFER_BUFFER_SIZE) position += len(data) wrapper.read(initial_position - position) wrapper.seek(initial_position - seek_back_amount) self.assertEqual(wrapper.tell(), initial_position - seek_back_amount) data = wrapper.read() self.assertEqual( len(data), tmp_file_len - (initial_position - seek_back_amount)) with open(tmp_file, 'rb') as stream: actual = CalculateMd5FromContents(stream) self.assertEqual(actual, digesters['md5'].hexdigest()) def testSeekToBeginning(self): for num_bytes in (TRANSFER_BUFFER_SIZE - 1, TRANSFER_BUFFER_SIZE, TRANSFER_BUFFER_SIZE + 1, TRANSFER_BUFFER_SIZE * 2 - 1, TRANSFER_BUFFER_SIZE * 2, TRANSFER_BUFFER_SIZE * 2 + 1, TRANSFER_BUFFER_SIZE * 3 - 1, TRANSFER_BUFFER_SIZE * 3, TRANSFER_BUFFER_SIZE * 3 + 1): self._testSeekBack(num_bytes, num_bytes) def testSeekBackAroundOneBuffer(self): for initial_position in (TRANSFER_BUFFER_SIZE + 1, TRANSFER_BUFFER_SIZE * 2 - 1, TRANSFER_BUFFER_SIZE * 2, TRANSFER_BUFFER_SIZE * 2 + 1, TRANSFER_BUFFER_SIZE * 3 - 1, TRANSFER_BUFFER_SIZE * 3, TRANSFER_BUFFER_SIZE * 3 + 1): for seek_back_amount in (TRANSFER_BUFFER_SIZE - 1, TRANSFER_BUFFER_SIZE, TRANSFER_BUFFER_SIZE + 1): self._testSeekBack(initial_position, seek_back_amount) def testSeekBackMoreThanOneBuffer(self): for initial_position in (TRANSFER_BUFFER_SIZE * 2 + 1, TRANSFER_BUFFER_SIZE * 3 - 1, TRANSFER_BUFFER_SIZE * 3, TRANSFER_BUFFER_SIZE * 3 + 1): for seek_back_amount in (TRANSFER_BUFFER_SIZE * 2 - 1, TRANSFER_BUFFER_SIZE * 2, TRANSFER_BUFFER_SIZE * 2 + 1): self._testSeekBack(initial_position, seek_back_amount) def _testSeekForward(self, initial_seek): """Tests seeking to an initial position and then reading. This function simulates an upload that is resumed after a process break. It seeks from zero to the initial position (as if the server already had those bytes). Then it reads to the end of the file, ensuring the hash matches the original file upon completion. Args: initial_seek: Number of bytes to initially seek. Raises: AssertionError on wrong amount of data remaining or hash mismatch. """ tmp_file = self._GetTestFile() tmp_file_len = os.path.getsize(tmp_file) self.assertLess( initial_seek, tmp_file_len, 'initial_seek must be less than test file size %s ' '(but was actually: %s)' % (tmp_file_len, initial_seek)) digesters = {'md5': md5()} with open(tmp_file, 'rb') as stream: wrapper = HashingFileUploadWrapper(stream, digesters, {'md5': md5}, self._dummy_url, self.logger) wrapper.seek(initial_seek) self.assertEqual(wrapper.tell(), initial_seek) data = wrapper.read() self.assertEqual(len(data), tmp_file_len - initial_seek) with open(tmp_file, 'rb') as stream: actual = CalculateMd5FromContents(stream) self.assertEqual(actual, digesters['md5'].hexdigest()) def testSeekForward(self): for initial_seek in (0, TRANSFER_BUFFER_SIZE - 1, TRANSFER_BUFFER_SIZE, TRANSFER_BUFFER_SIZE + 1, TRANSFER_BUFFER_SIZE * 2 - 1, TRANSFER_BUFFER_SIZE * 2, TRANSFER_BUFFER_SIZE * 2 + 1): self._testSeekForward(initial_seek) def _testSeekAway(self, initial_read): """Tests reading to an initial position and then seeking to EOF and back. This function simulates an size check on the input file by seeking to the end of the file and then back to the current position. Then it reads to the end of the file, ensuring the hash matches the original file upon completion. Args: initial_read: Number of bytes to initially read. Raises: AssertionError on wrong amount of data remaining or hash mismatch. """ tmp_file = self._GetTestFile() tmp_file_len = os.path.getsize(tmp_file) self.assertLess( initial_read, tmp_file_len, 'initial_read must be less than test file size %s ' '(but was actually: %s)' % (tmp_file_len, initial_read)) digesters = {'md5': md5()} with open(tmp_file, 'rb') as stream: wrapper = HashingFileUploadWrapper(stream, digesters, {'md5': md5}, self._dummy_url, self.logger) wrapper.read(initial_read) self.assertEqual(wrapper.tell(), initial_read) wrapper.seek(0, os.SEEK_END) self.assertEqual(wrapper.tell(), tmp_file_len) wrapper.seek(initial_read, os.SEEK_SET) data = wrapper.read() self.assertEqual(len(data), tmp_file_len - initial_read) with open(tmp_file, 'rb') as stream: actual = CalculateMd5FromContents(stream) self.assertEqual(actual, digesters['md5'].hexdigest()) def testValidSeekAway(self): for initial_read in (0, TRANSFER_BUFFER_SIZE - 1, TRANSFER_BUFFER_SIZE, TRANSFER_BUFFER_SIZE + 1, TRANSFER_BUFFER_SIZE * 2 - 1, TRANSFER_BUFFER_SIZE * 2, TRANSFER_BUFFER_SIZE * 2 + 1): self._testSeekAway(initial_read) def testInvalidSeekAway(self): """Tests seeking to EOF and then reading without first doing a SEEK_SET.""" tmp_file = self._GetTestFile() digesters = {'md5': md5()} with open(tmp_file, 'rb') as stream: wrapper = HashingFileUploadWrapper(stream, digesters, {'md5': md5}, self._dummy_url, self.logger) wrapper.read(TRANSFER_BUFFER_SIZE) wrapper.seek(0, os.SEEK_END) try: wrapper.read() self.fail('Expected CommandException for invalid seek.') except CommandException, e: self.assertIn( 'Read called on hashing file pointer in an unknown position', str(e))