# Copyright (c) 2013 Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. # All rights reserved. # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a # copy of this software and associated documentation files (the # "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including # without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, dis- # tribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit # persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the fol- # lowing conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included # in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS # OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABIL- # ITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. 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""" Tests for Layer1 of DynamoDB v2 """ import time from tests.unit import unittest from boto.dynamodb2 import exceptions from boto.dynamodb2.layer1 import DynamoDBConnection class DynamoDBv2Layer1Test(unittest.TestCase): dynamodb = True def setUp(self): self.dynamodb = DynamoDBConnection() self.table_name = 'test-%d' % int(time.time()) self.hash_key_name = 'username' self.hash_key_type = 'S' self.range_key_name = 'date_joined' self.range_key_type = 'N' self.read_units = 5 self.write_units = 5 self.attributes = [ { 'AttributeName': self.hash_key_name, 'AttributeType': self.hash_key_type, }, { 'AttributeName': self.range_key_name, 'AttributeType': self.range_key_type, } ] self.schema = [ { 'AttributeName': self.hash_key_name, 'KeyType': 'HASH', }, { 'AttributeName': self.range_key_name, 'KeyType': 'RANGE', }, ] self.provisioned_throughput = { 'ReadCapacityUnits': self.read_units, 'WriteCapacityUnits': self.write_units, } self.lsi = [ { 'IndexName': 'MostRecentIndex', 'KeySchema': [ { 'AttributeName': self.hash_key_name, 'KeyType': 'HASH', }, { 'AttributeName': self.range_key_name, 'KeyType': 'RANGE', }, ], 'Projection': { 'ProjectionType': 'KEYS_ONLY', } } ] def create_table(self, table_name, attributes, schema, provisioned_throughput, lsi=None, wait=True): # Note: This is a slightly different ordering that makes less sense. result = self.dynamodb.create_table( attributes, table_name, schema, provisioned_throughput, local_secondary_indexes=lsi ) self.addCleanup(self.dynamodb.delete_table, table_name) if wait: while True: description = self.dynamodb.describe_table(table_name) if description['Table']['TableStatus'].lower() == 'active': return result else: time.sleep(5) else: return result def test_integrated(self): result = self.create_table( self.table_name, self.attributes, self.schema, self.provisioned_throughput, self.lsi ) self.assertEqual( result['TableDescription']['TableName'], self.table_name ) description = self.dynamodb.describe_table(self.table_name) self.assertEqual(description['Table']['ItemCount'], 0) # Create some records. record_1_data = { 'username': {'S': 'johndoe'}, 'first_name': {'S': 'John'}, 'last_name': {'S': 'Doe'}, 'date_joined': {'N': '1366056668'}, 'friend_count': {'N': '3'}, 'friends': {'SS': ['alice', 'bob', 'jane']}, } r1_result = self.dynamodb.put_item(self.table_name, record_1_data) # Get the data. record_1 = self.dynamodb.get_item(self.table_name, key={ 'username': {'S': 'johndoe'}, 'date_joined': {'N': '1366056668'}, }, consistent_read=True) self.assertEqual(record_1['Item']['username']['S'], 'johndoe') self.assertEqual(record_1['Item']['first_name']['S'], 'John') self.assertEqual(record_1['Item']['friends']['SS'], [ 'alice', 'bob', 'jane' ]) # Now in a batch. self.dynamodb.batch_write_item({ self.table_name: [ { 'PutRequest': { 'Item': { 'username': {'S': 'jane'}, 'first_name': {'S': 'Jane'}, 'last_name': {'S': 'Doe'}, 'date_joined': {'N': '1366056789'}, 'friend_count': {'N': '1'}, 'friends': {'SS': ['johndoe']}, }, }, }, ] }) # Now a query. lsi_results = self.dynamodb.query( self.table_name, index_name='MostRecentIndex', key_conditions={ 'username': { 'AttributeValueList': [ {'S': 'johndoe'}, ], 'ComparisonOperator': 'EQ', }, }, consistent_read=True ) self.assertEqual(lsi_results['Count'], 1) results = self.dynamodb.query(self.table_name, key_conditions={ 'username': { 'AttributeValueList': [ {'S': 'jane'}, ], 'ComparisonOperator': 'EQ', }, 'date_joined': { 'AttributeValueList': [ {'N': '1366050000'} ], 'ComparisonOperator': 'GT', } }, consistent_read=True) self.assertEqual(results['Count'], 1) # Now a scan. results = self.dynamodb.scan(self.table_name) self.assertEqual(results['Count'], 2) s_items = sorted([res['username']['S'] for res in results['Items']]) self.assertEqual(s_items, ['jane', 'johndoe']) self.dynamodb.delete_item(self.table_name, key={ 'username': {'S': 'johndoe'}, 'date_joined': {'N': '1366056668'}, }) results = self.dynamodb.scan(self.table_name) self.assertEqual(results['Count'], 1) # Parallel scan (minus client-side threading). self.dynamodb.batch_write_item({ self.table_name: [ { 'PutRequest': { 'Item': { 'username': {'S': 'johndoe'}, 'first_name': {'S': 'Johann'}, 'last_name': {'S': 'Does'}, 'date_joined': {'N': '1366058000'}, 'friend_count': {'N': '1'}, 'friends': {'SS': ['jane']}, }, }, 'PutRequest': { 'Item': { 'username': {'S': 'alice'}, 'first_name': {'S': 'Alice'}, 'last_name': {'S': 'Expert'}, 'date_joined': {'N': '1366056800'}, 'friend_count': {'N': '2'}, 'friends': {'SS': ['johndoe', 'jane']}, }, }, }, ] }) time.sleep(20) results = self.dynamodb.scan(self.table_name, segment=0, total_segments=2) self.assertTrue(results['Count'] in [1, 2]) results = self.dynamodb.scan(self.table_name, segment=1, total_segments=2) self.assertTrue(results['Count'] in [1, 2]) def test_without_range_key(self): result = self.create_table( self.table_name, [ { 'AttributeName': self.hash_key_name, 'AttributeType': self.hash_key_type, }, ], [ { 'AttributeName': self.hash_key_name, 'KeyType': 'HASH', }, ], self.provisioned_throughput ) self.assertEqual( result['TableDescription']['TableName'], self.table_name ) description = self.dynamodb.describe_table(self.table_name) self.assertEqual(description['Table']['ItemCount'], 0) # Create some records. record_1_data = { 'username': {'S': 'johndoe'}, 'first_name': {'S': 'John'}, 'last_name': {'S': 'Doe'}, 'date_joined': {'N': '1366056668'}, 'friend_count': {'N': '3'}, 'friends': {'SS': ['alice', 'bob', 'jane']}, } r1_result = self.dynamodb.put_item(self.table_name, record_1_data) # Now try a range-less get. johndoe = self.dynamodb.get_item(self.table_name, key={ 'username': {'S': 'johndoe'}, }, consistent_read=True) self.assertEqual(johndoe['Item']['username']['S'], 'johndoe') self.assertEqual(johndoe['Item']['first_name']['S'], 'John') self.assertEqual(johndoe['Item']['friends']['SS'], [ 'alice', 'bob', 'jane' ]) def test_throughput_exceeded_regression(self): tiny_tablename = 'TinyThroughput' tiny = self.create_table( tiny_tablename, self.attributes, self.schema, { 'ReadCapacityUnits': 1, 'WriteCapacityUnits': 1, } ) self.dynamodb.put_item(tiny_tablename, { 'username': {'S': 'johndoe'}, 'first_name': {'S': 'John'}, 'last_name': {'S': 'Doe'}, 'date_joined': {'N': '1366056668'}, }) self.dynamodb.put_item(tiny_tablename, { 'username': {'S': 'jane'}, 'first_name': {'S': 'Jane'}, 'last_name': {'S': 'Doe'}, 'date_joined': {'N': '1366056669'}, }) self.dynamodb.put_item(tiny_tablename, { 'username': {'S': 'alice'}, 'first_name': {'S': 'Alice'}, 'last_name': {'S': 'Expert'}, 'date_joined': {'N': '1366057000'}, }) time.sleep(20) for i in range(100): # This would cause an exception due to a non-existant instance variable. self.dynamodb.scan(tiny_tablename) def test_recursive(self): result = self.create_table( self.table_name, self.attributes, self.schema, self.provisioned_throughput, self.lsi ) self.assertEqual( result['TableDescription']['TableName'], self.table_name ) description = self.dynamodb.describe_table(self.table_name) self.assertEqual(description['Table']['ItemCount'], 0) # Create some records with one being a recursive shape. record_1_data = { 'username': {'S': 'johndoe'}, 'first_name': {'S': 'John'}, 'last_name': {'S': 'Doe'}, 'date_joined': {'N': '1366056668'}, 'friend_count': {'N': '3'}, 'friend_data': {'M': {'username': {'S': 'alice'}, 'friend_count': {'N': '4'}}} } r1_result = self.dynamodb.put_item(self.table_name, record_1_data) # Get the data. record_1 = self.dynamodb.get_item(self.table_name, key={ 'username': {'S': 'johndoe'}, 'date_joined': {'N': '1366056668'}, }, consistent_read=True) self.assertEqual(record_1['Item']['username']['S'], 'johndoe') self.assertEqual(record_1['Item']['first_name']['S'], 'John') recursive_data = record_1['Item']['friend_data']['M'] self.assertEqual(recursive_data['username']['S'], 'alice') self.assertEqual(recursive_data['friend_count']['N'], '4')