# Copyright (c) 2011 Reza Lotun http://reza.lotun.name # All rights reserved. # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a # copy of this software and associated documentation files (the # "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including # without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, dis- # tribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit # persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the fol- # lowing conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included # in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS # OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABIL- # ITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. 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""" Some unit tests for the AutoscaleConnection """ import time from boto.ec2.autoscale import AutoScaleConnection from boto.ec2.autoscale.activity import Activity from boto.ec2.autoscale.group import AutoScalingGroup, ProcessType from boto.ec2.autoscale.launchconfig import LaunchConfiguration from boto.ec2.autoscale.policy import AdjustmentType, MetricCollectionTypes, ScalingPolicy from boto.ec2.autoscale.scheduled import ScheduledUpdateGroupAction from boto.ec2.autoscale.instance import Instance from boto.ec2.autoscale.tag import Tag from tests.compat import unittest class AutoscaleConnectionTest(unittest.TestCase): ec2 = True autoscale = True def test_basic(self): # NB: as it says on the tin these are really basic tests that only # (lightly) exercise read-only behaviour - and that's only if you # have any autoscale groups to introspect. It's useful, however, to # catch simple errors print('--- running %s tests ---' % self.__class__.__name__) c = AutoScaleConnection() self.assertTrue(repr(c).startswith('AutoScaleConnection')) groups = c.get_all_groups() for group in groups: self.assertIsInstance(group, AutoScalingGroup) # get activities activities = group.get_activities() for activity in activities: self.assertIsInstance(activity, Activity) # get launch configs configs = c.get_all_launch_configurations() for config in configs: self.assertIsInstance(config, LaunchConfiguration) # get policies policies = c.get_all_policies() for policy in policies: self.assertIsInstance(policy, ScalingPolicy) # get scheduled actions actions = c.get_all_scheduled_actions() for action in actions: self.assertIsInstance(action, ScheduledUpdateGroupAction) # get instances instances = c.get_all_autoscaling_instances() for instance in instances: self.assertIsInstance(instance, Instance) # get all scaling process types ptypes = c.get_all_scaling_process_types() for ptype in ptypes: self.assertTrue(ptype, ProcessType) # get adjustment types adjustments = c.get_all_adjustment_types() for adjustment in adjustments: self.assertIsInstance(adjustment, AdjustmentType) # get metrics collection types types = c.get_all_metric_collection_types() self.assertIsInstance(types, MetricCollectionTypes) # create the simplest possible AutoScale group # first create the launch configuration time_string = '%d' % int(time.time()) lc_name = 'lc-%s' % time_string lc = LaunchConfiguration(name=lc_name, image_id='ami-2272864b', instance_type='t1.micro') c.create_launch_configuration(lc) found = False lcs = c.get_all_launch_configurations() for lc in lcs: if lc.name == lc_name: found = True break assert found # now create autoscaling group group_name = 'group-%s' % time_string group = AutoScalingGroup(name=group_name, launch_config=lc, availability_zones=['us-east-1a'], min_size=1, max_size=1) c.create_auto_scaling_group(group) found = False groups = c.get_all_groups() for group in groups: if group.name == group_name: found = True break assert found # now create a tag tag = Tag(key='foo', value='bar', resource_id=group_name, propagate_at_launch=True) c.create_or_update_tags([tag]) found = False tags = c.get_all_tags() for tag in tags: if tag.resource_id == group_name and tag.key == 'foo': found = True break assert found c.delete_tags([tag]) # shutdown instances and wait for them to disappear group.shutdown_instances() instances = True while instances: time.sleep(5) groups = c.get_all_groups() for group in groups: if group.name == group_name: if not group.instances: instances = False group.delete() lc.delete() found = True while found: found = False time.sleep(5) tags = c.get_all_tags() for tag in tags: if tag.resource_id == group_name and tag.key == 'foo': found = True assert not found print('--- tests completed ---') def test_ebs_optimized_regression(self): c = AutoScaleConnection() time_string = '%d' % int(time.time()) lc_name = 'lc-%s' % time_string lc = LaunchConfiguration( name=lc_name, image_id='ami-2272864b', instance_type='t1.micro', ebs_optimized=True ) # This failed due to the difference between native Python ``True/False`` # & the expected string variants. c.create_launch_configuration(lc) self.addCleanup(c.delete_launch_configuration, lc_name)