# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright (c) 2012 Mitch Garnaat http://garnaat.org/ # All rights reserved. # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a # copy of this software and associated documentation files (the # "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including # without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, dis- # tribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit # persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the fol- # lowing conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included # in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS # OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABIL- # ITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT # SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, # WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS # IN THE SOFTWARE. """ Some unit tests for S3 Key """ from tests.unit import unittest import time import random import boto.s3 from boto.compat import six, StringIO, urllib from boto.s3.connection import S3Connection from boto.s3.key import Key from boto.exception import S3ResponseError class S3KeyTest(unittest.TestCase): s3 = True def setUp(self): self.conn = S3Connection() random.seed() self.bucket_name = 'keytest-%d-%d' % ( time.time(), random.randint(1, 99999999)) self.bucket = self.conn.create_bucket(self.bucket_name) def tearDown(self): for key in self.bucket: key.delete() self.bucket.delete() def test_set_contents_from_file_dataloss(self): # Create an empty stringio and write to it. content = "abcde" sfp = StringIO() sfp.write(content) # Try set_contents_from_file() without rewinding sfp k = self.bucket.new_key("k") try: k.set_contents_from_file(sfp) self.fail("forgot to rewind so should fail.") except AttributeError: pass # call with rewind and check if we wrote 5 bytes k.set_contents_from_file(sfp, rewind=True) self.assertEqual(k.size, 5) # check actual contents by getting it. kn = self.bucket.new_key("k") ks = kn.get_contents_as_string().decode('utf-8') self.assertEqual(ks, content) # finally, try with a 0 length string sfp = StringIO() k = self.bucket.new_key("k") k.set_contents_from_file(sfp) self.assertEqual(k.size, 0) # check actual contents by getting it. kn = self.bucket.new_key("k") ks = kn.get_contents_as_string().decode('utf-8') self.assertEqual(ks, "") def test_set_contents_as_file(self): content="01234567890123456789" sfp = StringIO(content) # fp is set at 0 for just opened (for read) files. # set_contents should write full content to key. k = self.bucket.new_key("k") k.set_contents_from_file(sfp) self.assertEqual(k.size, 20) kn = self.bucket.new_key("k") ks = kn.get_contents_as_string().decode('utf-8') self.assertEqual(ks, content) # set fp to 5 and set contents. this should # set "567890123456789" to the key sfp.seek(5) k = self.bucket.new_key("k") k.set_contents_from_file(sfp) self.assertEqual(k.size, 15) kn = self.bucket.new_key("k") ks = kn.get_contents_as_string().decode('utf-8') self.assertEqual(ks, content[5:]) # set fp to 5 and only set 5 bytes. this should # write the value "56789" to the key. sfp.seek(5) k = self.bucket.new_key("k") k.set_contents_from_file(sfp, size=5) self.assertEqual(k.size, 5) self.assertEqual(sfp.tell(), 10) kn = self.bucket.new_key("k") ks = kn.get_contents_as_string().decode('utf-8') self.assertEqual(ks, content[5:10]) def test_set_contents_with_md5(self): content="01234567890123456789" sfp = StringIO(content) # fp is set at 0 for just opened (for read) files. # set_contents should write full content to key. k = self.bucket.new_key("k") good_md5 = k.compute_md5(sfp) k.set_contents_from_file(sfp, md5=good_md5) kn = self.bucket.new_key("k") ks = kn.get_contents_as_string().decode('utf-8') self.assertEqual(ks, content) # set fp to 5 and only set 5 bytes. this should # write the value "56789" to the key. sfp.seek(5) k = self.bucket.new_key("k") good_md5 = k.compute_md5(sfp, size=5) k.set_contents_from_file(sfp, size=5, md5=good_md5) self.assertEqual(sfp.tell(), 10) kn = self.bucket.new_key("k") ks = kn.get_contents_as_string().decode('utf-8') self.assertEqual(ks, content[5:10]) # let's try a wrong md5 by just altering it. k = self.bucket.new_key("k") sfp.seek(0) hexdig, base64 = k.compute_md5(sfp) bad_md5 = (hexdig, base64[3:]) try: k.set_contents_from_file(sfp, md5=bad_md5) self.fail("should fail with bad md5") except S3ResponseError: pass def test_get_contents_with_md5(self): content="01234567890123456789" sfp = StringIO(content) k = self.bucket.new_key("k") k.set_contents_from_file(sfp) kn = self.bucket.new_key("k") s = kn.get_contents_as_string().decode('utf-8') self.assertEqual(kn.md5, k.md5) self.assertEqual(s, content) def test_file_callback(self): def callback(wrote, total): self.my_cb_cnt += 1 self.assertNotEqual(wrote, self.my_cb_last, "called twice with same value") self.my_cb_last = wrote # Zero bytes written => 1 call self.my_cb_cnt = 0 self.my_cb_last = None k = self.bucket.new_key("k") k.BufferSize = 2 sfp = StringIO("") k.set_contents_from_file(sfp, cb=callback, num_cb=10) self.assertEqual(self.my_cb_cnt, 1) self.assertEqual(self.my_cb_last, 0) sfp.close() # Read back zero bytes => 1 call self.my_cb_cnt = 0 self.my_cb_last = None s = k.get_contents_as_string(cb=callback) self.assertEqual(self.my_cb_cnt, 1) self.assertEqual(self.my_cb_last, 0) content="01234567890123456789" sfp = StringIO(content) # expect 2 calls due start/finish self.my_cb_cnt = 0 self.my_cb_last = None k = self.bucket.new_key("k") k.set_contents_from_file(sfp, cb=callback, num_cb=10) self.assertEqual(self.my_cb_cnt, 2) self.assertEqual(self.my_cb_last, 20) # Read back all bytes => 2 calls self.my_cb_cnt = 0 self.my_cb_last = None s = k.get_contents_as_string(cb=callback).decode('utf-8') self.assertEqual(self.my_cb_cnt, 2) self.assertEqual(self.my_cb_last, 20) self.assertEqual(s, content) # rewind sfp and try upload again. -1 should call # for every read/write so that should make 11 when bs=2 sfp.seek(0) self.my_cb_cnt = 0 self.my_cb_last = None k = self.bucket.new_key("k") k.BufferSize = 2 k.set_contents_from_file(sfp, cb=callback, num_cb=-1) self.assertEqual(self.my_cb_cnt, 11) self.assertEqual(self.my_cb_last, 20) # Read back all bytes => 11 calls self.my_cb_cnt = 0 self.my_cb_last = None s = k.get_contents_as_string(cb=callback, num_cb=-1).decode('utf-8') self.assertEqual(self.my_cb_cnt, 11) self.assertEqual(self.my_cb_last, 20) self.assertEqual(s, content) # no more than 1 times => 2 times # last time always 20 bytes sfp.seek(0) self.my_cb_cnt = 0 self.my_cb_last = None k = self.bucket.new_key("k") k.BufferSize = 2 k.set_contents_from_file(sfp, cb=callback, num_cb=1) self.assertTrue(self.my_cb_cnt <= 2) self.assertEqual(self.my_cb_last, 20) # no more than 1 times => 2 times self.my_cb_cnt = 0 self.my_cb_last = None s = k.get_contents_as_string(cb=callback, num_cb=1).decode('utf-8') self.assertTrue(self.my_cb_cnt <= 2) self.assertEqual(self.my_cb_last, 20) self.assertEqual(s, content) # no more than 2 times # last time always 20 bytes sfp.seek(0) self.my_cb_cnt = 0 self.my_cb_last = None k = self.bucket.new_key("k") k.BufferSize = 2 k.set_contents_from_file(sfp, cb=callback, num_cb=2) self.assertTrue(self.my_cb_cnt <= 2) self.assertEqual(self.my_cb_last, 20) # no more than 2 times self.my_cb_cnt = 0 self.my_cb_last = None s = k.get_contents_as_string(cb=callback, num_cb=2).decode('utf-8') self.assertTrue(self.my_cb_cnt <= 2) self.assertEqual(self.my_cb_last, 20) self.assertEqual(s, content) # no more than 3 times # last time always 20 bytes sfp.seek(0) self.my_cb_cnt = 0 self.my_cb_last = None k = self.bucket.new_key("k") k.BufferSize = 2 k.set_contents_from_file(sfp, cb=callback, num_cb=3) self.assertTrue(self.my_cb_cnt <= 3) self.assertEqual(self.my_cb_last, 20) # no more than 3 times self.my_cb_cnt = 0 self.my_cb_last = None s = k.get_contents_as_string(cb=callback, num_cb=3).decode('utf-8') self.assertTrue(self.my_cb_cnt <= 3) self.assertEqual(self.my_cb_last, 20) self.assertEqual(s, content) # no more than 4 times # last time always 20 bytes sfp.seek(0) self.my_cb_cnt = 0 self.my_cb_last = None k = self.bucket.new_key("k") k.BufferSize = 2 k.set_contents_from_file(sfp, cb=callback, num_cb=4) self.assertTrue(self.my_cb_cnt <= 4) self.assertEqual(self.my_cb_last, 20) # no more than 4 times self.my_cb_cnt = 0 self.my_cb_last = None s = k.get_contents_as_string(cb=callback, num_cb=4).decode('utf-8') self.assertTrue(self.my_cb_cnt <= 4) self.assertEqual(self.my_cb_last, 20) self.assertEqual(s, content) # no more than 6 times # last time always 20 bytes sfp.seek(0) self.my_cb_cnt = 0 self.my_cb_last = None k = self.bucket.new_key("k") k.BufferSize = 2 k.set_contents_from_file(sfp, cb=callback, num_cb=6) self.assertTrue(self.my_cb_cnt <= 6) self.assertEqual(self.my_cb_last, 20) # no more than 6 times self.my_cb_cnt = 0 self.my_cb_last = None s = k.get_contents_as_string(cb=callback, num_cb=6).decode('utf-8') self.assertTrue(self.my_cb_cnt <= 6) self.assertEqual(self.my_cb_last, 20) self.assertEqual(s, content) # no more than 10 times # last time always 20 bytes sfp.seek(0) self.my_cb_cnt = 0 self.my_cb_last = None k = self.bucket.new_key("k") k.BufferSize = 2 k.set_contents_from_file(sfp, cb=callback, num_cb=10) self.assertTrue(self.my_cb_cnt <= 10) self.assertEqual(self.my_cb_last, 20) # no more than 10 times self.my_cb_cnt = 0 self.my_cb_last = None s = k.get_contents_as_string(cb=callback, num_cb=10).decode('utf-8') self.assertTrue(self.my_cb_cnt <= 10) self.assertEqual(self.my_cb_last, 20) self.assertEqual(s, content) # no more than 1000 times # last time always 20 bytes sfp.seek(0) self.my_cb_cnt = 0 self.my_cb_last = None k = self.bucket.new_key("k") k.BufferSize = 2 k.set_contents_from_file(sfp, cb=callback, num_cb=1000) self.assertTrue(self.my_cb_cnt <= 1000) self.assertEqual(self.my_cb_last, 20) # no more than 1000 times self.my_cb_cnt = 0 self.my_cb_last = None s = k.get_contents_as_string(cb=callback, num_cb=1000).decode('utf-8') self.assertTrue(self.my_cb_cnt <= 1000) self.assertEqual(self.my_cb_last, 20) self.assertEqual(s, content) def test_website_redirects(self): self.bucket.configure_website('index.html') key = self.bucket.new_key('redirect-key') self.assertTrue(key.set_redirect('http://www.amazon.com/')) self.assertEqual(key.get_redirect(), 'http://www.amazon.com/') self.assertTrue(key.set_redirect('http://aws.amazon.com/')) self.assertEqual(key.get_redirect(), 'http://aws.amazon.com/') def test_website_redirect_none_configured(self): key = self.bucket.new_key('redirect-key') key.set_contents_from_string('') self.assertEqual(key.get_redirect(), None) def test_website_redirect_with_bad_value(self): self.bucket.configure_website('index.html') key = self.bucket.new_key('redirect-key') with self.assertRaises(key.provider.storage_response_error): # Must start with a / or http key.set_redirect('ftp://ftp.example.org') with self.assertRaises(key.provider.storage_response_error): # Must start with a / or http key.set_redirect('') def test_setting_date(self): key = self.bucket.new_key('test_date') # This should actually set x-amz-meta-date & not fail miserably. key.set_metadata('date', '20130524T155935Z') key.set_contents_from_string('Some text here.') check = self.bucket.get_key('test_date') self.assertEqual(check.get_metadata('date'), u'20130524T155935Z') self.assertTrue('x-amz-meta-date' in check._get_remote_metadata()) def test_header_casing(self): key = self.bucket.new_key('test_header_case') # Using anything but CamelCase on ``Content-Type`` or ``Content-MD5`` # used to cause a signature error (when using ``s3`` for signing). key.set_metadata('Content-type', 'application/json') key.set_metadata('Content-md5', 'XmUKnus7svY1frWsVskxXg==') key.set_contents_from_string('{"abc": 123}') check = self.bucket.get_key('test_header_case') self.assertEqual(check.content_type, 'application/json') def test_header_encoding(self): key = self.bucket.new_key('test_header_encoding') key.set_metadata('Cache-control', u'public, max-age=500') key.set_metadata('Test-Plus', u'A plus (+)') key.set_metadata('Content-disposition', u'filename=Schöne Zeit.txt') key.set_metadata('Content-Encoding', 'gzip') key.set_metadata('Content-Language', 'de') key.set_metadata('Content-Type', 'application/pdf') self.assertEqual(key.content_type, 'application/pdf') key.set_metadata('X-Robots-Tag', 'all') key.set_metadata('Expires', u'Thu, 01 Dec 1994 16:00:00 GMT') key.set_contents_from_string('foo') check = self.bucket.get_key('test_header_encoding') remote_metadata = check._get_remote_metadata() # TODO: investigate whether encoding ' ' as '%20' makes sense self.assertEqual(check.cache_control, 'public,%20max-age=500') self.assertEqual(remote_metadata['cache-control'], 'public,%20max-age=500') self.assertEqual(check.get_metadata('test-plus'), 'A plus (+)') self.assertEqual(check.content_disposition, 'filename=Sch%C3%B6ne%20Zeit.txt') self.assertEqual(remote_metadata['content-disposition'], 'filename=Sch%C3%B6ne%20Zeit.txt') self.assertEqual(check.content_encoding, 'gzip') self.assertEqual(remote_metadata['content-encoding'], 'gzip') self.assertEqual(check.content_language, 'de') self.assertEqual(remote_metadata['content-language'], 'de') self.assertEqual(check.content_type, 'application/pdf') self.assertEqual(remote_metadata['content-type'], 'application/pdf') self.assertEqual(check.x_robots_tag, 'all') self.assertEqual(remote_metadata['x-robots-tag'], 'all') self.assertEqual(check.expires, 'Thu,%2001%20Dec%201994%2016:00:00%20GMT') self.assertEqual(remote_metadata['expires'], 'Thu,%2001%20Dec%201994%2016:00:00%20GMT') expected = u'filename=Schöne Zeit.txt' if six.PY2: # Newer versions of python default to unicode strings, but python 2 # requires encoding to UTF-8 to compare the two properly expected = expected.encode('utf-8') self.assertEqual( urllib.parse.unquote(check.content_disposition), expected ) def test_set_contents_with_sse_c(self): content="01234567890123456789" # the plain text of customer key is "01testKeyToSSEC!" header = { "x-amz-server-side-encryption-customer-algorithm" : "AES256", "x-amz-server-side-encryption-customer-key" : "MAAxAHQAZQBzAHQASwBlAHkAVABvAFMAUwBFAEMAIQA=", "x-amz-server-side-encryption-customer-key-MD5" : "fUgCZDDh6bfEMuP2bN38mg==" } # upload and download content with AWS specified headers k = self.bucket.new_key("testkey_for_sse_c") k.set_contents_from_string(content, headers=header) kn = self.bucket.new_key("testkey_for_sse_c") ks = kn.get_contents_as_string(headers=header) self.assertEqual(ks, content.encode('utf-8')) class S3KeySigV4Test(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.conn = boto.s3.connect_to_region('eu-central-1') self.bucket_name = 'boto-sigv4-key-%d' % int(time.time()) self.bucket = self.conn.create_bucket(self.bucket_name, location='eu-central-1') def tearDown(self): for key in self.bucket: key.delete() self.bucket.delete() def test_put_get_with_non_string_headers_key(self): k = Key(self.bucket) k.key = 'foobar' body = 'This is a test of S3' # A content-length header will be added to this request since it # has a body. k.set_contents_from_string(body) # Set a header that has an integer. This checks for a bug where # the sigv4 signer assumes that all of the headers are strings. headers = {'Content-Length': 0} from_s3_key = self.bucket.get_key('foobar', headers=headers) self.assertEqual(from_s3_key.get_contents_as_string().decode('utf-8'), body) class S3KeyVersionCopyTest(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.conn = S3Connection() self.bucket_name = 'boto-key-version-copy-%d' % int(time.time()) self.bucket = self.conn.create_bucket(self.bucket_name) self.bucket.configure_versioning(True) def tearDown(self): for key in self.bucket.list_versions(): key.delete() self.bucket.delete() def test_key_overwrite_and_copy(self): first_content = b"abcdefghijklm" second_content = b"nopqrstuvwxyz" k = Key(self.bucket, 'testkey') k.set_contents_from_string(first_content) # Wait for S3's eventual consistency (may not be necessary) while self.bucket.get_key('testkey') is None: time.sleep(5) # Get the first version_id first_key = self.bucket.get_key('testkey') first_version_id = first_key.version_id # Overwrite the key k = Key(self.bucket, 'testkey') k.set_contents_from_string(second_content) # Wait for eventual consistency while True: second_key = self.bucket.get_key('testkey') if second_key is None or second_key.version_id == first_version_id: time.sleep(5) else: break # Copy first key (no longer the current version) to a new key source_key = self.bucket.get_key('testkey', version_id=first_version_id) source_key.copy(self.bucket, 'copiedkey') while self.bucket.get_key('copiedkey') is None: time.sleep(5) copied_key = self.bucket.get_key('copiedkey') copied_key_contents = copied_key.get_contents_as_string() self.assertEqual(first_content, copied_key_contents)